Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Top 5 Most-Anticipated News for E3 2018

It's getting to be the most wonderful time of year... for people who love video games, that is. E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo is coming up June 12th. Every year gaming companies dream up cool presentations to show off upcoming games, consoles, and various updates to its paying public. Here are five things I'm really hoping to see/hear about amid the tumult of live streams and news:

5. Uh...Bethesda?

Bethesda is like...an older cousin who sometimes comes around the holidays to tell about the really cool stuff he's doing, and other times he's kind of having a mid-life crisis. The company is known for its robust single-player RPGs, like Skyrim and Fallout. Over the past couple of E3 seasons, they've definitely had their fair share of criticism for resting on these laurels and not innovating more. The Internet has seen a few glimpses of Fallout 76, so I'd like to hear more about it and see if Bethesda is ready to drop Skyrim's success from its cold, cold hands and let it rest.

4. Ooblets Updates!

I first heard about Ooblets from the PC Gaming Show at E3 2017, and I was instantly hooked. This adorable crafting/farming/creature RPG combines the best parts of Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Stardew Valley. It's still in development with no clear release date, so I'm dying for more news. I recommend following creator nonplayercat on Tumblr and Patreon to be the most up-to-date.

3. More Switch Titles!

I was in line at midnight for the Nintendo Switch because I was sold on its unique controls, portability, and overall fun factor. Over a year later, and I still really like my Switch... I just wish it had more games! Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey were great starts for the system, but I haven't seen enough games really take advantage of the Switch's capabilities. 1, 2, Switch looked cute, but a party game isn't enough to make a system really worth it for a variety of gamers. We need more titles ranging from single-player to party games to puzzles. Also, what is up with the Virtual Console? If Nintendo let people play GameCube games on their Switch?!? Some people would carry it everywhere.

2. Indie Games, Plz

Along with more robust "Nindies" for the Switch, I would love to see more indie games in general. Big developers get somewhat stuck in a cycle. Indie developers have the room to take some risks. As a person who isn't fond of shooters, most multiplayer games, racing games, or sports games, I usually look to independent titles to find something I can really love.

1. Pokemon Stars on the Switch?

The Pokemon presentation at last year's E3 was pretty funny. I waited ready for not much when, after introducing another Pokemon fighting game along with Pokemon Sun and Moon Ultra, a Pokemon developer looked up from his desk: "Oh, by the way, we're making a brand-new Pokemon game on the Switch and answering all of your hopes and dreams."

Okay, I might be paraphrasing.

Now since then we've heard about Pokemon: Let's Go, which appears to be good ol' Pokemon Yellow with the option of Eevee as a starter, 3D graphics, and compatibility with Pokemon Go, all on the Switch. Is that the "new Pokemon game" they teased last year? I'm thinking no, but that may just been some foolish hope.

Honorable Mention

Please, Nintendo, give us a real Animal Crossing game on the Switch that makes full use of its unique controls and capabilities. Please. I've been playing New Leaf for yeeeeeaaaarrrrssss.

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